Privacy Policy is a legal document it manages and keep safe privacy or data of users or clients.
Any problems or questions regarding our Privacy Policy, you can Contact Us easily and ask an questions about it.
Privacy Policy of NPTEL CODES is valid only for our online activities and our website that they collect informations in NPTELCODES. This privacy policy is not valid for any information collected offline or via other platform.
Copyright Policy
You can not use or reproduce or republish our content to outside or any other platform. You can use it for reading, gaining, and gathering the knowledge and developing the skills for your bright future.
Information we collect
We only get your information such as your Name, Email and your Message that you want to send us via the contact form or contact us page and your comments about the posts.
Cookies let websites remember you, your website visits, logins, and more but we assure you that your information or data that we have collected will be safe. Cookies help developers give you more personal, convenient or fastly website visits so that you can access our website fastly by collecting your data when you visit on our website for the first time.
Contact and Communication via Social Media Platforms
Our website contains comment box and social media sharing buttons. From here you can Contact Us by filling the contact form and via social media platform and also you can share the information about our posts.
External Links
You can find the external links on this website about the social media icons, best programming assignment quiz YouTube videos tutorials, tweets, coding/programming and third parties advertisements that will be served by Google.
Advertisement and Sponsored Links
Our website may contain sponsored links and advertisements because that will served through our advertising partners such as Google which may also have privacy policies related to the advertisements that they serve on the website.
For more info visit and search about "Google's Privacy Policies."
If you click such advertisements you will redirect to the website of advertisers or sponsored through a referral program which may use cookies for saving the data and also will track the number of referrals sent from this website.
Note: Users are responsible at their own risk that they click on sponsored external links and you can't blame us.