Problem Solving Through Programming in C Week 5: Programming Assignments Jul-Dec 2022


Problem Solving Through Programming in C

Week-05 Program-01
Last Day of Submission: 1-Sep-2022

Write a C program to count total number of digits of an Integer number N.

Problem Solving Through Programming in C



Week-05 Program-02

Last Day of Submission: 1-Sep-2022

Write a C program to find sum of following series where the value of N is taken as input
 1+ 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + 1/5 + .. 1/N

Problem Solving Through Programming in C



Week-05 Program-03

Last Day of Submission: 1-Sep-2022

Write a C program to check whether the given number(N) can be expressed as Power of Two (2) or not. For example...

Problem Solving Through Programming in C



Week-05 Program-04

Last Day of Submission: 1-Sep-2022

Write a C program to print the following Pyramid pattern upto Nth row. Where N (number of rows to be printed) is taken as input.

For example when the value of N is 5 then output


Problem Solving Through Programming in C



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