The Joy of Computing using Python Week 10: Programming Assignment - Jun-Dec 2021



The Joy of Computing using Python

Week 10 : Programming Assignment 1 - String Decomposition

Due on 2021-10-07, 23:59 IST
Given a large string and a set of small strings, determine if it is possible to exactly
decompose the given large string into the set of small strings. (Assume that all the strings
are given in lowercase)

Input Format be like

The first line of the input contains a large string

The second line of the input contains space separated small strings

Output Format must be like

Display Yes or No (no newline after the output)

For Example:

If Input is


dab bad elmf kg

Then Output must be


or Input is


frost badge lm

Then Output must be



In the first case it is possible to construct the set of small strings by using exactly all the characters given in the original string. In the second case it is not possible.


Week 10 : Programming Assignment 2 - Encryption

Due on 2021-10-07, 23:59 IST
The alphabets are enumerated as A = 0, B = 1, C = 2, … , Z = 25. Consider an encryption
scheme where a character with value C i in the plaintext is replaced by another character
with value C j using the formula C j = (C i + 5) % 26. After replacement, the resulting string is
shuffled (permuted) at random to obtain the cipher text.
Given a plain text and a possible cipher text, your task is to determine whether the cipher
text can be formed from the plain text using the above mentioned scheme.
(Assume that all the strings are in uppercase)

Input Format is

The first line of the input contains a string indicating the plain text.

The second line of the input a string indicating a possible cipher text

Then Output Format must be

Display Yes or No (no newline after the output)

For Example:

If Input is



Then Output must be


Or Input is



Then Output must be




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